Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Another night, another time to pack and say goodbye to Las Cruces.

Our days here have been packed with lectures.  We finished up malaria and today we talked about leishmania, yet another disease caused by a pesky protozoan.  The hypochondria and paranoia of many diseases that we didn't know existed two months ago is beginning to set in.

Tomorrow we leave for Panama!  To give you a preview of what's ahead:
We are going to visit the Naso indigenous group, talk about border health, and work on our research proposals.  Then we're going to head to BOCAS DEL TORO, this beautiful beach area that I've heard people raving about.  We do have our day off when we're in Bocas, and we also will be around for Carnaval, this huge celebration for 40 days before Holy Week -- the equivalent of Mardi Gras, but for three days.

Assuming we survive, we'll go to the BriBri territory and the Chocolate Factory, and then to La Selva, the rainforest biological station in the lowlands.  Humidity and mosquitos await...but also pecaries, monkeys, and biodiversity everywhere!

I've got to go pack now -- you'll hear from me in a week from the jungle!!


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